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Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News (, World’s #1 Online Multimedia News Provider Devoted to International Diaspora and their Stakeholders. By Courtesy of Dr. Roland Holou. © All rights reserved.

Ethiopia Set to Pioneer Bitcoin Mining in Africa

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Last Thursday, February 15, Ethiopian Investment Holdings (EIH), the investment arm of the Ethiopian Government, signed a memorandum of...
Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News (, World’s #1 Online Multimedia News Provider Devoted to International Diaspora and their Stakeholders. © All rights reserved.

African Businesses to Benefit from Blue Economy

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Companies based in Africa’s coastal nations like Kenya, South Africa, Mozambique, Egypt, Eritrea, Morocco and Libya have been ...
Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News (, World’s #1 Online Multimedia News Provider Devoted to International Diaspora and their Stakeholders. By Courtesy of Dr. Roland Holou. © All rights reserved.

Cameroon launches malaria vaccine rollout

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Cameroon on Monday 22 January 2024 launched the RTS,S malaria vaccine into its routine national immunization services, becoming the...
Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News (, World’s #1 Online Multimedia News Provider Devoted to International Diaspora and their Stakeholders. By Courtesy of Dr. Roland Holou. © All rights reserved.

UN Body Steps Up Pace to Implement Vital Carbon Crediting Mechanism

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( The United Nations Body charged with implementing a new carbon crediting mechanism under the Paris Agreement has expedited plans...
Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News (, World’s #1 Online Multimedia News Provider Devoted to International Diaspora and their Stakeholders. By Courtesy of Dr. Roland Holou. © All rights reserved.

How unclean energy takes a heavy toll on women’s reproductive health in Kenya.

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( When Agnes Mutheu was expecting her third child, she was hopeful for a smooth delivery and a quick discharge,...

Find the Best Casino Games at South African Online Casinos in 2024 36

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( 15 Best Online Casinos South Africa: Top SA Casino Sites 2022 Business Insider Africa Consequently, finding the best online casinos...

Top Classic Style Inspiration Ideas

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect. I kind of want to know what happened there because we’re twirling knobs...

Gadgets That Will Upgrade Your Home – Africa Science News

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect. I kind of want to know what happened there...

For Good Results Must Be Make Good Plan – Africa Science News

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect. I kind of want to know what happened there...

Fashion, Tips, Trends and Celebrity Style

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect. I kind of want to know what happened there because we’re twirling knobs...

Mistakes You Might Be Making With Your Watch – Africa Science News

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect. I kind of want to know what happened there...

Top Men’s Fashion Trends From Spring

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect. I kind of want to know what happened there because we’re twirling knobs...

Surprising Benefits of Honeydew Melon

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect. I kind of want to know what happened there because we’re twirling knobs...

Spicy Crispy Chicken Burger Recipe

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect. I kind of want to know what happened there because we’re twirling knobs...

Headsets Are Better if You’re Playing Games – Africa Science News

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect. I kind of want to know what happened there...

Winter Dressing Tips When It’s Really Cold Out – Africa Science News

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect. I kind of want to know what happened there...