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    Latest Education News, breaking educational news and other empowering updates, policy debates, trending educational ideas, criticisms, provocative educational essays, expert analysis, commentaries, on-the-spot reporting, insights and opportunities related to education from around the world.

    Global call to equip youth with skills for a peaceful and sustainable future

    In a message for Monday’s World Youth Skills Day, António Guterres pointed out that the world’s young people are already working to build safer...

    400 million under-fives regularly experience violent discipline at home

    “When children are subjected to physical or verbal abuse at home, or when they are deprived of social and emotional care from their loved...

    AI for Good Summit: Digital and technological divide is no longer acceptable

    Organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the annual forum is the place where humans meet artificial intelligence. It is popular to the extent...

    Sénégal : Fallou Sène, un mort qui ravive la crise de l’éducation

    Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Université Cheikh Anta Diop de...

    Emploi : petite lueur chez les déficients visuels, ils en veulent plus

    Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( ...

    Insécurité au Sahel : écoles fermées, éducation compromise, enfance en danger !

    Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( ...

    Sénégal-Education : loin de Dakar, rien ne va…

    Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Ecole élémentaire 2 du quartier...

    Education : l’estocade du Covid-19 !

    Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Marche d'enseignants à Bamako. Image/Malijet ...

    Covid-19/Cedeao : 381 millions de dollars pour garantir l’enseignement à distance   

    Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Le système éducatif sénégalais, longtemps...

    Covid-19 au Sahel : flop de l’enseignement à distance, selon des syndicalistes

    Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Les panelistes du débat en...

    Sénégal : déficit d’enseignants, risques de perturbations 

    Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Les élèves ont repris le...

    Burkina Faso : années académiques sans fin, rêves brisés

    Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Légende : Ici, 15 mars...

    Ndèye Codou Diakham, enseignante et championne de causes sociales à Diouroup (Portrait)

    Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Ndèye Codou Diakham, en pleine...

    UNHCR: more than 7 million refugee children out of school

    “With the displaced population rising every year, there is a significant and increasing proportion of the world’s children who are missing out on their...

    Repel intensifying attacks on schools, urges Guterres

    Marking the International Day to Protect Education from Attack, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres said it was important to defend “havens of education”.“Education is not only...

    Taliban urged to uphold Afghan girls’ right to education

    “Denying education to girls is a violation of universal human rights,” said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW).“The de facto authorities...

    Ukraine: UN adds historic Kyiv cathedral and monastery to danger list

    The Ukrainian capital has suffered multiple Russian missile strikes during the war, prompting the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to highlight the threat of destruction...

    Rights experts warn against forced separation of Uyghur children in China

    Classroom teaching at these institutions is almost exclusively in Mandarin, with little or no use of the Uyghur language, they said in a statement.They...

    No meaning lost in translation: The UN’s quirkiest contest

    Bursting with translation anticipation, a quirky UN contest has had translators, interpreters, students, and lovers of a good multilingual idiom challenge submitting entries from...

    WMO: Global stocktake of water resources needed

    Destructive droughts and heavy rains are causing major damage, while melting snow and glaciers heighten flood risks and endanger long-term water security, WMO said.The...

    Somali-born champion of refugee education wins top UNHCR award

    Abdullahi Mire grew up in the sprawling Dadaab refugee complex in northeastern Kenya with its population today of more than 240,000 registered refugees, mostly...

    Opera, glass blowing, poncho weaving and more: UNESCO celebrates world’s cultural heritage

    Convened in the town of Kasane, the Intergovernmental Committee is considering new entries to UNESCO’s Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage and on Tuesday night they...

    Sudan war ‘a living nightmare for children’: UNICEF Representative

    “Sudan is experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportions. It's a living nightmare for children,” Mandeep O’Brien said this week in an interview with UN News. Nearly 10...

    Following in Pelé’s footsteps, Vinícius Junior appointed UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador

    During her visit, Director-General of the UN education, science and culture body, UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay presented the 23-year-old winger with a letter of appointment,...