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US Charge d’Affaires storms out of Liberia 177 Independence Day program

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( By Lincoln G. Peters Monrovia, July 26, 2024- United States Charge d’Affaires to Liberia Catherine Rodriguez embarrassingly stormed and walked out of...

Dust in the air: Lack of transparency over Gauteng farming project funding

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The vegetable farming project at Marievale military base, where the crop of cabbages...

US Embassy: Walkout is a direct response to orator’s comment

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The United States Embassy in Monrovia has issued a statement hours after its Charge d’Affaires stormed out of an official ceremony...

Pres. Boakai preaches Unity and Progress at Liberia’s 177th Independence Celebration

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( By: Kruah Thompson Monrovia, Liberia: – In an address marking Liberia’s 177th Independence Day, President Joseph Nyumah Boakai has emphasized the need...

Les Lionceaux de l’Atlas décidés à rester sur leur élan

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Le Onze national affrontera, ce samedi à partir de 16 heures, son homologue ukrainien, pour le compte de la...

DPWI requests bi-weekly reports on reconstruction of the National Assembly

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Friday, July 26, 2024 ...

L’Argentine fait les frais de la grinta maroco-olympienne

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Un match à rebondissements qui restera gravé à jamais dans les annales du football international. Fort heureusement que son issue a été...

Chikunga donates infrastructure to Umlazi school

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Friday, July 26, 2024 ...

Rep. Briggs-Mensah urges President Boakai to request recall of U.S. Charge d’Affaires

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( The walkout by US Charge d’Affaires Catherine Rodriguez during a ceremony marking Liberia’s 177th Independence Day celebration has been greeted with...

Casa vit mal son stress hydrique

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( ...

Infrastructure support for Eastern Cape emerging farmers

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( The Eastern Cape Rural Development and Agrarian Reform Department (DRDAR) continues to provide wool improvement infrastructure, equipment and training...

Full Speech as Delivered by Liberia 177th Independence Day Orator

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( ROBTEL NEAJAI PAILEY As someone who loves this country with every fiber of my being, I feel very honored and privileged to...

Un CA consolidé de 18,26 MMDH à fin juin 2024

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Le Groupe Maroc Telecom a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires (CA) consolidé de 18,26 milliards de dirhams (MMDH) à fin juin...

Condolences for the people of Ethiopia

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Friday, July 26, 2024 ...

The Passing of a Proud Race Man

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( By Dr. Ron Daniels, President, IBW — Anyone who has spent meaningful time around Leonard Dunston knows that the essence of this...

Dans la vallée de Shushica, des Albanais bataillent pour l'”or bleu”

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Sous un soleil de plomb, la rivière Shushica irrigue une vallée du sud de l'Albanie, où les riverains s'insurgent contre...

KZN works to facilitate economic growth

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( KwaZulu-Natal Finance MEC, Francois Rodgers, says the provincial government is working hard to create an enabling environment to facilitate...

Un hockeyeur australien s’ampute d’une partie d’un doigt pour participer aux Olympiades

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Le hockeyeur australien Matt Dawson a choisi de se faire amputer d'une partie d'un doigt pour pouvoir participer aux...

Mashatile says the GNU is working towards bettering people’s lives

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( Deputy President Paul Mashatile has once again assured citizens that the government of national unity (GNU) is working towards...

Frio e neblina matinal num sábado soalheiro em Moçambique – Verdade

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( O Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia(INAM) prevê o seguinte estado do tempo para este sábado(27), 824º dia em Emergência de Saúde Pública...

US VIP security to carry firearms in Liberia

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Liberia’s Police Chief, Col. Gregory Coleman, says permitting the United States Embassy to arm its security agents is a milestone in...

Les technologies d’énergie propre. Le déséquilibre des chaînes d’approvisionnement défavorable à une transition énergétique...

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Quant à l’extraction de minéraux critiques, étroitement liée aux ressources naturelles, la répartition géographique démontre une concentration déséquilibrée confortant...

KZN social sector departments get largest chunk of budget

Photo Credit: Global Diaspora News ( The KwaZulu-Natal Departments of Education, Health and Social Development have been allocated the lion’s share of the provincial budget...

Restoring Parliament’s dignity: Addressing chaos, decay and the urgent need for revitalisation

Photo credit: DiasporaEngager ( Note to Editors: The following speech will be delivered during the plenary Debate on Vote 2: Parliament this afternoon and is...