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Commenting on the current war between Israel and Hamas, a Palestinian sheikh explained on official Palestinian Authority (PA) TV that while the Israelis might seemingly be winning the war, according to Allah they are “destined for the Burning Fire” in Hell:

Sheikh Hamed Daraghmeh: “Thus says Allah, you [Israelis] have murdered, burned, slaughtered many, destroyed, caused [us] to flee in every direction, expelled, distanced the people from their homeland, but at the same time, ‘they will have the punishment of the Burning Fire [in Hell]’ [Quran 85:10] … The message that our Almighty Master of the Universe wants to convey to us — Apparently the victory is theirs … they have won, murdered, they are the victors. But in the true balance they are the losers because they are destined for the Burning Fire.” [emphasis added]

[Official PA TV, Gate to Paradise, March 13, 2024]

The host of the same PA TV program, a female preacher, seconded this, expressing happiness that “the killed Jews are in Hell” while dead Palestinian “Martyrs” are “in Paradise”:

Official PA TV host and preacher Bashar Al-Awiwi: “We’re happy that we’re among the chosen, praise Allah Master of the Universe. We’re happy that our Martyrs are in Paradise and happy that the killed Jews are in Hell.”

[Official PA TV, Gate to Paradise, April 9, 2024]

Promising that Jews/Israelis will burn in Hell is very meaningful, since in Islam, the Fire of Hell is Allah’s ultimate everlasting and dreaded punishment, which is threatened repeatedly in the Koran and Islamic traditions:

“And they will never leave of the Fire.” (Koran 2:167)

“Surely, those who disbelieve and did wrong; God will not forgive them, nor will He guide them to any way except the way of Hell, to dwell therein forever.” (Koran 4:168-169)

“They will long to leave the Fire, but never will they leave there from; and theirs will be a lasting torment.” (Koran 5:37)

“Surely, God has cursed the disbelievers, and has prepared for them a flaming Fire wherein they will abide for ever.” (Koran 33:64)

“And whosoever disobeys God and His Messenger, then surely, for him is the fire of Hell, he shall dwell therein forever.” (Koran 72:23)

“Surely, the disbelievers will be in the torment of Hell to abide therein forever.  (The torment) will not be lightened for them, and they will be plunged into destruction with deep regrets, sorrows and in despair therein … And they will cry: ‘O Malik! Let your Lord make an end of us’ He will say: ‘Surely, you shall abide [in the Fire] forever.’” (Quran 43:74-78)

“Fire as we know it is one seventieth part of the Fire of Hell.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

Interestingly, following the great destruction that Hamas’ war caused in the Gaza Strip, a man living in Gaza — and possibly many Gazan civilians with him — wished the Hamas terrorists to go to Hell:

Palestinian man: “Regarding the resistance [i.e., Hamas] hiding among the people — why is it hiding among the people? Let it go hide in Hell.

Al-Jazeera TV reporter: “(The reporter abruptly ends the interview and moves away from the Palestinian man.) These are the testimonies from the civilians.”

[Karim Gahin, X (Twitter) account, Nov. 14, 2023]

Palestinian Media Watch also exposed that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor on religious affairs, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, teaches Palestinians that their enemies — Israelis/Jews — will go to “Hell”:

The authors are the founder and senior analyst at Palestinian Media Watch, where a version of this article was originally published.

Source of original article: Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik / Opinion – (
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