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A champion of girls’ education in Liberia, Book Before Boys, is calling on young females to embrace training and learning opportunities that will help them to achieve their dreams.

Monrovia, Liberia, June 11, 2024—The Chief Executive Officer of Book Before Boys encourages young girls in Liberia to embrace learning and training opportunities to grow and achieve their dreams. 

Delivering the keynote speech at the fifth commencement convocation of the Go Girl Lead Mentorship program, organized by the Book Before Boys and held in Monrovia, Miss Helen Momoh urged young girls to pursue knowledge with relentless passion and understand that learning is a lifelong journey.

Speaking on the theme: “Importance of Female Leadership,” Miss Momoh further urges, “Dream big; stay resilient and believe in your potential because the future depends on us; step forward with courage and conviction, knowing that you have a community of supporters who believe in you.”

She inspires them to seize the opportunity to learn, grow, and lead with integrity, empathy, and a vision for a better Liberia.  

In remarks, the Vice President for Institutional Development and Planning at the University of Liberia, Associate Professor Weade Koba Boley, cautions young girls to look within themselves to make their dreams come true. 

According to her, education may not be the key to everything, but it is the beginning of many things and opens many doors to opportunities one could never guess. 

Being a girl is a challenging venture, Professor Boley notes and adds: “The girls against peer pressure and challenges; we all were girls, and we know the temptations. We know the peer influence; we know the things that stop your dreams on your way; remember that you have mentored and taught; Make sure there are books before boys.” 

She says whether one is in climatic change or the environmental field, dropping dirt everywhere is wrong because the clean air everybody wants to breathe and the environment they want to see depends on themselves.”

 “Let’s put our lives under new management, and let’s put Liberia under new management, but not political management. Instead, we should know that government is the people for the people and of the people.” 

The Executive Director of Book Before Boys, Mustapha Sherman, encourages the British and United States Embassies near Monrovia to continue supporting programs that provide training for girls in the country. 

According to him, the program needs funding and support from international partners because Book Before Boys wants to extend its programs to all 15 political subdivisions of the country.

The girls were trained in public speaking, leadership, feminism, Climate Change, creative writing, and political campaign planning, among other things. 

Over 95 students were awarded certificates for completing the requirements and modules of the institution.   

The program was graced by many people, including students, youth and women groups, members of the Diplomatic Corps, and school and college administrators, among many others. Editing by Jonathan Browne

Source of original article: Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for latest news (
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