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By: Austin S Fallah – A True Son of Liberia, Africa, and Planet Earth Soil.:

In the swirling cauldron of Liberian politics, seasoned with the spices of social and economic strife and marinated in the juices of historical injustice, the true mettle of a nation’s defenders often is subjected to the unyielding flames of persecution.

In this milieu, the hard-earned characters of staunch nationalists, defenders of national causes, advocates for social and economic justice, and upholders of the rule of law are sometimes marred by selfish political games Former Associate Justice Kabineh Ja’neh and former Defense Minister Brownie Samukai, two sons of Liberia, stand out among these persecuted heroes for their unwavering commitment to justice and national defense.

It is the stance that this paper defends: these men must be honored and exonerated as victims of political vendettas, and, one can hope, the merciless gears that engineered their suffering will soon be brought to a halt under the just gavel of legal retribution.

Justice Cllr. Kabineh Ja’neh, with a venerable legal mind and a lifetime dedicated to the rule of law, has served as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of Liberia.

His commitment to justice was apparent from his deliberations and verdicts, which always sought to fortify the principles of legal coherence and fairness in Liberian jurisprudence.

However, Justice Cllr Ja’neh’s adherence to the rule of law came at a high personal cost.

In what was widely seen as a miscarriage of justice riddled with political machinations, he was impeached and removed from the bench.

A thunderous blow not merely to a single man but to the very idea of an independent judiciary in Liberia.

Similarly, Brownie Samukai, with his wealth of expertise in defense, has clashed with fathomless adversities to protect the nation from the clutches of turmoil and violence.

As former Minister of Defense, Samukai fortified Liberia’s shield against lawlessness, playing a crucial role in keeping at bay the hydra-headed monsters of chaos and factional bloodshed that have too often reared their heads in Liberia’s history.

Like Justice Cllr Ja’neh, Minister Samukai’s unwavering stance for the nation’s safety and integrity became the breeding ground for contention with those wielding the reins of political power.

The political defenestration of these men, a direct consequence of their dedication to national service, signals a perilous omen for the future of Liberian democracy and governance.

These acts of deplorable political reprisal represent a contemptible departure from the sanctity of social and economic justice.

The perpetrators, fueled by a selfish desire to maintain or gain power, chose to sacrifice not just Ja’neh and Samukai but the democratic principles that form the bedrock of any true republic.

An analysis of the constitutional and moral questions surrounding the riddling of such national figures with the bullets of political assassination elucidates a rather dark picture. The precedent set by the actions against Ja’neh and Samukai might entrench a cycle of political retribution, effectively muting the voices that dare stand up for justice and national ethics. Such a culture of political cannibalism feeds on the very fabric of governance that should sustain democratic institutions and flies in the face of social progress.

While Ja’neh and Samukai intended to uphold national values and enforce righteous laws, their detractors engaged in the politics of character assassination, recklessly ignoring the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” which is a pillar of the rule of law. Misinformation, biased narratives, and a judicial process that reeked of undue influence characterized the proceedings against these men. Their dedication to the public good was repaid with defamation and the ignominy of a public fall from grace, without offering space for a fair and unbiased hearing of their perspectives and defenses.

Moreover, the societal cost of such political maneuvering goes beyond the individual tragedies of Ja’neh and Samukai. When public servants are dissuaded from fulfilling their duties with integrity for fear of politically motivated repercussions, it creates an environment conducive to corruption, nepotism, and inefficiency. A nation stripped of its defenders and spokespersons for justice is rendered vulnerable to the degradation of those same principles, eroding the foundational ethos of the nation’s identity.

However, the plight of these men is not unique to Liberia; it is a universally observed predicament where oppressive political forces undermine genuine forces for progress. Just as other nations have realized the perils of political retribution and moved towards rehabilitative justice, Liberia must now confront its demons. The nation stands at an epochal crossroads: it can continue down the path of political despotism or turn towards the path of redemption and honor for its true servants.

Upholding the honor and legacy of defenders like Ja’neh and Samukai is indispensable for the future of Liberia. It is essential that history records not only their trials and tribulations but also their indomitable spirit and relentless pursuit of what is just and righteous. They remain exemplars of courage and integrity in the face of daunting adversity. As such, they must be recognized not as victims or villains but as heroes who never wavered from their commitment to their homeland.

In the cyclical nature of politics, those who once wielded power with such temerity to orchestrate the downfalls of Ja’neh and Samukai may one day sit as the accused, and the silent hope of justice lies in the fact that they might confess the true motives behind their perfidious schemes. Then, not only will Ja’neh and Samukai be vindicated, but Liberian society as a whole might commence its healing, forge a firmer identity anchored in resilience, and instill confidence in its legal systems to ensure such injustices are never repeated.

Liberia, a nation with a vibrant and tumultuous past, must take this defining opportunity to not only clear the names of Ja’neh and Samukai but also to elevate them to their rightful places of honor. In recognizing the sacrifices they made for their nation, Liberia would not simply be paying homage to two of its most steadfast sons.

It would be taking a staunch stand for democracy, justice, and the rule of law as essential ingredients for the sustenance of any nation that envisions itself prosperous and at peace.

Cllr Ja’neh and Minister Samukai’s vindication must stand as the clarion call to all Liberians, that truth and justice are immutable and that those who defend these pillars of society are not forgotten, but rather heralded as the bravest of heroes.

Source of original article: Liberia news The New Dawn Liberia, premier resource for latest news (
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